

There is no port of TCP/IP 6 stack under DOS

MS-Win 3.x

There is TCP/IP 6 under Win3.x : Trumpet Winsock v5
but no release official of Microsoft for the moment.

Win NT 3.51

Il existe un portage de la pile TCP/IP Version 6 sous WinNT3.51 : Trumpet Winsock v5
but no release official of Microsoft for the moment.

Win 9x

There is TCP/IP 6 under Win9x : Trumpet Winsock v5
but no release official of Microsoft for the moment.

Win NT 4.0

There is TCP/IP 6 under WinNT4 : Trumpet Winsock v5
Microsoft Release
Microsoft IPv6 Web Page

The download files are Win32 Intel self-extracting EXEs (except as noted).

Download release source files (1,339,392 bytes)
Download a gzip of release source files (1,201,037 bytes)
Download release binary files (978,944 bytes)
Download IPv6 tunnel broker service files (1,787,392 bytes)
Download IPv6/IPv4 translator source and binary files (104,593 bytes)

Windows NT/2000

Microsoft IPv6 Web Page

Installation du patch :

Téléchargez ICI OU
here for SP2 (win2k-ipv6-001205-SP2.zip)
here for SP2 & IE6 (tpipv6-001205-SP2-IE6.zip)
here for SP3 & IE6 (tpipv6-001205-SP3-IE6.zip)
here for SP4 & IE6 (tpipv6-001205-SP4-IE6.zip)
The stack requires at least the Service Pack 1 décompressez the pack and carry out setup.exe (in administrator) reboot then install the protocol on all the compatible interfaces networks.

(IMPORTANT, you must leave TCP/IP installed on all the interfaces where you want to use ipv6 has to know interface LAN you make tunneling) but it's not necessary for the interfaces of the type PPP (Modem...) in the case of a tunnel.

you must make a ipv6_conf.bat and to put these lines inside this batch will have to be carried out has each boot of the system

New : Freenet6 provided from now on a client who configures the tunnel has your place this makes obsolete the use of the file batch for this supplier .

script :

	ipv6 rtu ::/0 [interface]/::[ipv4_of_tunnel_broker] pub
	ipv6 adu [interface]/[your_ipv6_public]
	ipv6 rtu ::/0 2/:: pub
	ipv6 adu 2/3ffe:1200:3028:84ef::1

script LAN :

	ipv6 rtu ::/0 4/3ffe:1200:3028:84ef::1 pub
	ipv6 adu 4/3ffe:1200:3028:84ef::4
	ou 3ffe:1200:3028:84ef::4 is youre ipv6 LAN
	ou 3ffe:1200:3028:84ef::1 is youre gateway ipv6 LAN
	(this ipv6 must be configured on your router)
Interface 4 (te 1): Connection to the local area network
N° of interface must correspond with your chart Ethernet network or other which is on the same bond that the router


There is no port of TCP/IP 6 stack under WinMe


The stack TCP/IP 6 under WinXP is included by default

It is necessary for you just to install it on an adapter like this :
launch a cmd line and type :
ipv6 install
this installs the IPv6 pile but does not make it visible among the other interfaces
contrary Windows 2000 has.

you must make a ipv6_conf.bat and to put these lines inside this batch will have to be carried out has each boot of the system

to visualize the current interfaces : IPV6 IF

script :

	ipv6 rtu ::/0 2/::[ipv4_of_tunnel_broker] pub
	ipv6 adu 2/[your_ipv6_publique]
	(here 2 is your N° of interface : Tunnel)

script LAN :

	rem configuration of local address :)
	rem ipv6 adu if#/address [lifetime VL[/PL]] [anycast] [unicast]
	rem ipv6 rtu prefix if#[/nexthop] [lifetime L] [preference P] [publish] [age] [spl site-prefix-length]
	ipv6 adu 4/3ffe:1200:3028:84ef::4
	ipv6 rtu ::/0 4/3ffe:1200:3028:84ef::1 pub

where 3ffe:1200:3028:84ef::4 is your ipv6 LAN
where 3ffe:1200:3028:84ef::1 is your gateway ipv6 LAN (this ipv6 must be configured on your router)
and if# (here 4 is your N° of interface: that which contains your MAC address)

Routing Win 2000/XP

To make to your machine an IPv6 router :

1) use the standart configuration
ipv6 ifc [N°interface]

ifc : interface
forw : activate the routing on this interface
adv : activate the autoconfiguration mode in server mode of addresses allocation

Examples :
	ipv6 ifc 2 forw
	ipv6 ifc 3 forw adv
	ipv6 ifc 4 forw adv

It is possible that you have problems of MTU, in this case it is necessary to activate EnablePMTUDiscovery in the base of register bus Windows XP (MT) is not in conformity A the RFC 1981

Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters
Name EnablePMTUDiscovery
Value 1
his key is preferable in the event of use of RA (Router Advertisement) on the local area network.


Jean Théry

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