
Syntax of Configuration IPv6 * BSD


that which you need :

FreeBSD 4.x compiled with support INET6 (it is activated by défault on kernel GENERIC)

the points of interconnection IPv4 and IPv6. will note we them this way :

lanv4 - youre address IPv4
lanv6 - youre address IPv6
distv4 - the distant address IPv4
distv6 - the distant address IPv6

Installation :

no necessary installation (the system is allready ok for ipv6)

Tunnel configuration

do not forget to replace gifx by gif0 or other according to your OS
you must execute these commands in SU or ROOT

# gifconfig gifx lanv4 distv4
# ifconfig gifx inet6 lanv6 distv6 prefixlen 128

the tunnel must be now activated one test if the distant access point answers

% ping6 distv6
PING6(56=40+8+8 bytes) lanv6 --> distv6
16 bytes from distv6, icmp_seq=0 hlim=64 time=15.312 ms
16 bytes from distv6, icmp_seq=1 hlim=64 time=14.652 ms
16 bytes from distv6, icmp_seq=2 hlim=64 time=15.057 ms

it's working ;)

Routing configuration

in the most of the cases, there will be just a road by default has destination of the waiter of tunnel

# route add -inet6 default distv6
# route add -inet6 default -interface gifx

now you must be capable of ping no matter whom, eg ping6 ipng.ipng.nl (3ffe:8114::1)

if you want only router one small beach by this tunnel (eg a static road) it is very easy
you must route 3ffe:80e8:d8::/48 by gifx

# route add -inet6 3ffe:80e8:d8:: -prefixlen 48 distv6
# route add -inet6 3ffe:80e8:: -prefixlen 48 -interface gifx

you want delegate bloc ?

it is also easy. do not forget to return all the data in the base of data of the 6BONE !

you've youre bloc 3ffe:80e8:d8::/48 and you want delegate 3ffe:80e8:d8:8000::/64 by a tunnel on gifx

- To configure the tunnel
- routing the bloc on the tunnel

# route add -inet6 3ffe:80e8:d8:8000:: -prefixlen 64 distv6
# route add -inet6 3ffe:80e8:d8:8000:: -prefixlen 64 -interface gifx

Final script :

	gifconfig gif0 lanv4 distv4
	ifconfig gif0 inet6 lanv6 distv6 prefixlen 127
	route -n add -inet6 default distv6

Final script : FreeBSD 4.4

under FreeBSD 4.4 it is not any more nécéssaire of recompiler the core for acceder with the interfaces gifX, it is from now on possible of the creer has the flight.
	ifconfig gif0 create
	gifconfig gif0 lanv4 distv4
	ifconfig gif0 inet6 lanv6 distv6 prefixlen 127
	route -n add -inet6 default distv6
if you have error messages of neighbor discovering (/kernel: nd6_lookup: failed to add route for a neighbor([youre_ipv6_cote_tb]), errno=17) try the parameter prefixlen 128 this is not abnormal

To add a ipv6 on your interface LAN :

ifconfig [interface] inet6 [ipv6] prefixlen [longueur de prefix] alias

Examples :

ifconfig xl0 inet6 3FFE:1200:3028:84ef::1 prefixlen 64 alias
ifconfig xl0 inet6 3FFE:1200:3028:84ef::5 prefixlen 64 alias
ifconfig xl0 inet6 3FFE:1200:3028:84ef::53 prefixlen 64 alias
ifconfig xl0 inet6 3FFE:1200:3028:84ef::54 prefixlen 64 alias
ifconfig xl0 inet6 3FFE:1200:3028:84ef::80 prefixlen 64 alias
ifconfig xl0 inet6 3FFE:1200:3028:84ef::6667 prefixlen 64 alias


Official documentation :



patch setup :

no setup required (the system is already ready for ipv6)

script :

	ifconfig gif0 giftunnel [youre_ipv4_public] [ipv4_of_tunnel_broker]
	ifconfig gif0 inet6 [youre_ipv6_public] [youre_ipv6_side_tb] prefixlen 127
	route -n add -inet6 default [youre_ipv6_side_tb]


To make to your machine a IPv6 router there exists several solutions/softs

1) to use the standard configuration
add in /etc/rc.conf
(incomplete part)

2) Using sysctl
sysctl -w net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1 #for enabling routing IPV6
(to make has each boot)

3) By Soft (radvd rtadvd or zebra)


  • FreeBSD 4.0 - includes the KAME IPv6 stack
  • KAME - the various BSD versions are being united here
  • INRIA - development appears to have ceded to KAME
  • NRL's IPv6 - as distributed from MIT (v7.1 Dec'98)
  • IPv6-DRET - a French implementation

Jean Théry

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